About Us

Who is BP Solutions?

“One of my most important goals for BP Solutions is to encourage self determination by enriching local working class neighborhoods while providing quality, affordable homes to families”.

We Make Dreams Happen

We love to make dreams happen. So instead of the cold and calculated approach, we will take the friendly and accommodating style to reach a solution that is best for you or your business. 


We Work With You

Whether you are a business owner or looking to purchase your next home, we will work with you to find the perfect solution.  It is not always about the credit score. It is about the people and the personality we see. 

Who Am I?

I’ve been a Real Estate Entrepreneur for over 30 years. I’ve made money, lost money and made money again. I’m now semi retired and consult on a regular basis. I also do segments on occasion with some of the Gurus for their National Real Estate seminars. And I have my own real estate coaching program.

Bill Purifoy

President/Owner, BP Solutions Inc

My Story

Why am I doing what I’m doing?

Hello, my name is Bill Purifoy and I’m the President/Owner of BP Solutions Inc. BP Solutions is a Real Estate investment company on a mission to help as many people as we can combat housing financial hardships and realize the dream of home ownership.

We serve the local investor community by providing both properties and funding for their projects.

You see my story is simple. The experiences that I had growing up led me here. In my early years of growing up we had the good life. My dad worked for a famous hotel chain and we lived in different cities for most of my young life. Every couple of years or so we would move to a new city and stay in the hotel for about 3 months until my parents found a house for us to live in. Everything was great. If you wanted something all you needed to do was pick up the phone and order it. Later though my parents divorced and the next thing you knew, no more room service or fancy hotels, filled with people falling all over you to make you happy because your dad was the manager.

After my mom and dad split money was tight. My mom was forced to raise 5 kids in a two-bedroom apartment in what was not one of the best neighborhoods in Washington DC. She did the best she could while making numerous sacrifices for her children.


As the eldest of 5 kids and because of our circumstances, I learned about responsibility very early in life. Although I did my share of mischief, hanging out in the streets was out of the question. I had to help my mom take care of our family. When I was eighteen, I was faced with the choice of accepting a scholarship to go to college and play basketball or joining the military. I chose to join the military and sent money home to help mom take care of my siblings. 

One of my longest memories and one that has stuck with me, is my mom struggling with us and wanting to raise us in house of our own. That was her dream. After I left the military and took a job working for the Federal Government, I had the opportunity to travel to other cities and talk to parents. That experience helped me to realize that what my mom wanted for us really wasn’t all that different from what most responsible, hardworking parents want. A house that can be called home, maybe with a nice fenced backyard, in a nice neighborhood where when you put the kids outside you know that they’re safe. And you don’t hear gun fire or sirens every 5 or 10 minutes. That’s probably a little bit of an exaggeration but you get my point. Also through my own experiences I learned how devastating it can be to lose a home. Life happens. Couples get divorced, someone loses a job or God forbid maybe there’s a devastating medical issue that just comes out of the blue.  You’re going along and then bam! Something totally unexpected happens. And the next thing you know you must give up your home because of some financial hardship.

Hardship Can Happen To Anyone

Any of these things can happen to any of us at any time. That’s one of the reasons why I started BP Solutions Inc. Every employee that works for BP Solutions Inc. understands that we are focused on adding value to our communities and people’s lives. We can help those that fall on hard times. We are the vehicle through which our customers can be assured that we will first and foremost find a way to serve their needs. And If we don’t, it can’t be done!

As I said, we’re a real estate investment company and while we can’t prevent those things from happening, I can assure you that we can make them easier to deal with when and if they do happen to you.

My mom didn’t buy her first house until she was well over 50 years old. I can still see her face as we walked out of the closing attorney’s office. She had tears in her eyes and I’m sure a range of other emotions as we walked away and her knowing that she had finally accomplished her dream. We were all grown by that time with families of our own. the fact that we were grown didn’t make that day any less important. We had a lot of great family get together and holiday celebrations in that house.

And that’s why I started BP Solutions Inc. I feel that every responsible couple, single parent, single person, old or young should know the fulfillment of pride that you get from the basic need of home ownership. I’ve been very blessed and fortunate to experience that feeling many times over and to also help to give it to others as well.